New agility runescape updates

Agility is a difficult skill which isn’t very rewarding. That doesn’t make sense. Difficult should mean awesome rewards! My suggestion is to add the buy runescape gold.

-Agility abilities. They would help you with running and dodging attacks during combat
-Add more Agility shortcuts which would be used very commonly and are quite high levelled
-Make Agility levels effect run energy more. Because now it’s almost impossible to run out of run energy, even with a low Agility level


Level 4 – Stamina Boost – Boosts your Run Energy by 10. Cool down time 40 seconds. Available to F2P
Level 17 – Speed Boost – Increases the speed of your character considerably. Cool down time 60 seconds
Level 45 – Dodge – You dodge your enemy’s next attack by rolling to the side. Doesn’t work 100% of the time, higher Agility levels will increase success rate. Cool down time 45 seconds
Level 74 – Back Flip Counter, 100% Adrenaline – You dodge your enemy’s next attack by back flipping , and landing on top of your opponent causing damage. Your character then rolls back to let your enemy up. Agility levels increase the damage this ability does. Cool down time 60 seconds
Level 90 – Meditate – You sit down in a meditation pose, which allows your run energy, health and reduced stats to restore faster. Prayer Points are also boosted by 10. This ability takes 30 seconds and has a Cool down time of 120 seconds


Varrock Sewers – 77 Agility – You may be familiar with the area in Varrock Sewers with the Scorpions. There is a puddle there and on the other side of the puddle, there are skeletons. This shortcut allows you to jump over the puddle

Chaos Temple – 89 Agility – In the Wilderness, there is a wrecked building on a piece of land surrounded almost completely with lava. This shortcut would be at the southern point of this piece of land and there will be rocks which you can jump on to get to the other side. If you fail this shortcut however, you lose 50% of your (current) health.

White Knight’s Castle (Falador Castle) – Requires 92 Agility – The only way to get onto the island in Falador with the Castle is the bridge at the north of Falador. This shortcut allows you to also access it at the south by jumping on rocks.

Wilderness: River Lum – Requires 17 Agility – The River Lum ends at Wilderness Level 6. This shortcut would be a way to jump over the river at Level 3 Wilderness.

New trees future runescape game

I love trees…Woodcutting is my favorite skill.

The question is…Will those trees be worth chopping? Many resource gathering skills, including Woodcutting, are…dead. Also, Magic trees take a long time to chop down so if more trees are added…How are players going to make a profit off of those? Unless there are going to be new hatchets in the game at the same time those trees are implemented I doubt players will go for them.

Maybe we shall see the suggestions for chaotic hatchets become a reality! This also means Runescape money may have a new variety of ranged equipment. Will the logs even be tradable? I am thinking they will but out a level 95 or 99 tree probably.

What do you think?

Regarding runescape warband changes

Alright, I’ve done a lot of edits now that a few days have passed. Here are some thoughts.

First off, I would like to say that I’m fine with the 1k supplies per camp limit, not being able to hop with supplies, and that supplies can be dropped on death. While supplies dropped on death will promote trust trades (and it already has), it makes sense. While this post does talk about those changes, it’s more specifically about the 7 hour sync.runescape money.

Now that you’ve made it perfectly in sync, there’ll be even less people pking once again. There’ll be no time to war if you’re wanting to rush from world to world to get 75. Warbands are now only for an hour a day (20 mins per wave x 3 waves per day).

Additionally, you can see how many players are no longer doing warbands. I’ve gone to several worlds where no one/not many people even showed up to the camp. This update not only discouraged looters, but several pkers. This isn’t necessarily specifically linked to the 7 hour sync, but this update did push a lot of players out of there, and the wilderness is quite dead again.

With this 7 hour sync, it elminates several players who want to warband. Not a lot of players can be on for the specific times that warbands go off now. Please, make the 7 hour cool down shorter, or make the worlds out of sync again. I thought you wanted people in the wilderness 24/7 again, like has been for the last 2 months. This 7 hour limit puts a few thousand, if even, players into the wild for 20-30 minutes a day. That’s a step backwards if you ask me.

You’re restricting those with IRL things or different play schedules to missing out on a piece of content. And with the “glitch” that happens when you miss a day, you’re turning even more players off from doing this piece of content.

These are several peoples’ ideas, not just mine. More ideas on post 5.

? Add BENEFITS for those looting besides the wand. Why would I loot? I won’t be able to have food on me, so I’d be pked quickly, even if there’s only 1 pker per world.

? Remove/shorten the 7 hour sync. This makes the wilderness dead for those inactive times, is unfair to those on certain timezones or with jobs/school/etc, and will be the major deathblow to this DnD and the wilderness. Making it every 1-4 hours would be much better.

? Rollback this update and nerf the xp. A lot more people would be much happier with this. This allows people to still participate in the D and D, but it’d be much less rewarding.

? Make supplies stackable. How are we supposed to defend ourselves with very little space for food, potions, etc? With the increase in pkers and the overall decrease in the number of people doing warbands, not being able to have too many supplies will turn a lot of people away from doing this DnD.

? Extend the time active on warband camps. This would allow more people to loot/pk while the camps are active, instead of only staying up for 5-10 minutes. If it were maybe 2-5x longer, people would be able to loot/pk their three camps without having to wait that 7 hour period.

Please fix this somehow.

Questions I have (to other players/jagex):

? How is selling supplies different from the ranks? Still a trust trade.

? What about those on different timezones that are not on your schedule?

? I already see threads popping up for warband chats that are world specific. Is this what was intended? To have 90+ chats that are world specific, clogging up the games and forums? Groups still run warbands, just not one group.

? Does the 75 per day reset at the SOF reset, or after 24 hours of the 3 camps are looted? I’m hearing a lot of people saying 24 hours now.

Does pking someone with even 1 supply, but not turning it to Querc, count as a 1 of the 3 camps now?

The Corporeal Beast and EquipmentStrategy

This weekend the Tip.It Monster Hunting Team his hosting a Corporeal Beast slaughter! Be sure to join us on Saturday June 8th at 7PM GMT. The friend chat for the event will be Komodo Jo.

The Corporeal Beast is currently the fourth strongest attackable monster in RuneScape, behind Queen Black Dragon, Nex, and Kalphite King . It was released on 15 September, 2008 with the Summer’s End quest, and completion of the quest is required to fight it. On 15 October, 2008, Jagex added a new attack (Stomp), which harms players underneath it. The Beast’s health bar is three times as long as usual.
It has a very high defence and 100,000 life points, making it challenging to solo. The Corporeal Beast will fully restore his life points if players leave its cavern.

Gravestones will not appear within the area. Lost items will become visible to other players after 3.5 minutes and disappear after another minute. It’s possible to get back within a minute, especially by choosing to protect the games necklace.

The Corporeal Beast

This monstrous creature is one of the strongest bosses in Runescape and is only accessible after completing the “Spirit of Summer” and “Summer’s End” quests.  He can hit very hard and has a very high amount of lifepoints, so is not to be underestimated.  We suggest that you have combat levels of 80+, but lower levels are free to come if you care to risk it!  Coinshare will be on for this event, so if we’re lucky enough to get a sigil drop the value will be split between those in the room.


The Corporeal Beast has no official weakness, and thus you may bring any of the three attack styles as long as all your gear is of the same style (for instance, don’t try and melee in mage gear, or range in melee gear).  If ranging or maging we ask that you bring the best weapon and ammo/runes you can.  If using melee you should use a spear, as non-spear weapons have their damage halved against the corp (though drygores may still be effective against him).

As far as your armor goes, wear whatever you’re willing to risk losing (as long as it matches your attack style!).You need to Buy Runescape Gold.When you die inside the lair you WILL NOT GET A GRAVE.  Instead, all your items (except those kept on death) will drop to the floor, visible only to you for a few minutes.  Make sure you have a stock of games necklaces in your bank so that you can quickly teleport back to the lair to retrieve your stuff if you die!

Eight God Emissaries available now,on Runescape of this May

We’ve also got a fantastic update for lore fiends among you this month, where you’ll learn more about your favourite RuneScape gods and earn some awesome rewards for pledging your allegiance.

So there’ll be eight God Emissaries; which ones of all the gods we know?

Following the events of The World Wakes, the RuneScape gods are coming back with a vengeance. Eight new NPCs known as the God Emissaries will be making their voices heard, and they’ll be looking for you to join their cause. Each emissary will be speaking in favour of a god, and will give you a full account what their god represents, what the god in question has been up to since the establishment of the edicts, and what you can do to show your support.Buy Runescape Gold.

Mod Osborne only mentioned Bandos, Armadyl, Zaros, Saradomin and Zamorak.

Then there’s the godless allignment (Guthix), so I could assume you guys could have new gods like Sliske and Tuska coming into play? If so that’d be awesome. I suppose you guys have also counted the Menaphite Phantheon within those Emissaries, or even something else? No matter you buy rs accounts or not, you can join it.

You’ll be able to join any of the eight factions they represent: if you favour serenity, freedom and a strong, noble outlook, perhaps you’ll pick Armadyl. Do you thrive in chaos, continually reforging yourself in the fires of calamity, each time stronger than before? Zamorak’s your guy. If you think Guthix was right, and that the gods should mind their own business, then the new Godless faction might be for you!

I really hope the NPC’s will have as much to tell as the gods themselves, though I would really like to see the gods in person some day (soon).

Noob prayer, nooby god stuff, and much needed high level farming (although if I can’t grow dungeoneering xp plants it’ll be useless to me). April showers bring May flowers (or some crap like tht) Pretty dissapointing month. Makes it sound like HTML5/NSI thingy isn’t going to be opened up to all members until the very end of the month or maybe even June… Was hoping it’d be like… tomorrow. Now I know why we have things like loyalty points, daily challenges, extra spins for members, etc. cuz I wouldn’t even pay for members this month if it wasn’t for those tiny benefits.

Guide to making Runescape Gold

There are many people online selling Runescape Gold Guides and the ridiculous thing about spending money on one of these simple guides is there are many methods to make money hanging around without buying a guide.

How silly is it to pay for real cash for fake money? The important thing to making gold is developing the skills your character has for making different items which players need or wish to develop their characters. Mining, for instance, they are tons of players who wish to develop there something skills to be able to make armor along with other items out of iron, steel, mistrial, addy & rune but do not want to spend the time mining the ore or smelting them into bars.

The author doesn’t approve of many gold guides on general principles, but occasionally a player had to know legitimate ways to get gold that don’t involve exchanging real currency for currency you can use only inside a game like the kind provided by Runescape gold sellers. This Runescape gold guide won’t make the player who follows it rich, but it will help the character acquire gold when he needs it for quest, trade skills, or other purposes.

Fishing can provide a tiny bit of income towards the determined player, but the best choices for making gold in Runescape are woodcutting, farming, and monster slaying, which isn’t exactly the same thing as killing monster. Below is a narrow your search of useful and profitable trade skills or subsets of the crafting skill.

The dwelling of Runescape makes farming rather less likely, however in the above-mentioned example with the bear, it’s possible if the player knows which mobs to seek.